
Green Revolution

Downfalls to the Green Revolution

"It would be helpful when you're working on these problems to develop a skin as thick as a rhino's hide, so you don't feel all the darts. Oh, there are lots of critics. If you don't do anything you'll never have critics." 
~ Norman Borlaug

Though the Green Revolution was popularized for its positive efforts in ending world hunger, there are also some downfalls and critics to the Green Revolution. Critics of the Green Revolution by Borlaug question wether the wheat variation was even needed and if India would have been able to feed itself.

Enviornmental Degradation

The first major issue with the Green Revolution is the damage made to the environment. The revolution increased the use of fertilizers. When the fertilizer is spread it sinks into the soil and land around it diminishing the soil quality. Poor farmers were unable to afford fertilizers and pesticides, and have often produced even lower yields with these grains than with the older strains. The previous wheat was better adapted to local conditions and had some resistance to pests and diseases.The loss of soil fertility will have a large impact in the future because without proper soil other plants will be unable to grow as easily.

Detrimental for the Poor

Critics argue that not everyone is able to benefit from the Green Revolution, and that only large farmers were able to afford new technologies to hold the new seeds. Since the rapid increase of wheat, the price of wheat has decreased and poorer farmers are not receiving enough income to sustain themselves. Matthias Bonfrisco says, "With lower food grain prices in effect farmers have become indebted and are now being found to commit suicide because of it." Becuase of this not only will the price continue to decrerase leading more farmers into debt, but also increasing the suicide rate. 

The Green Revolution was able to leave millions of people with positive and negative effects. Those who view the positive effects see that the Green Revolution was able to save millions from hunger and increase the quality of wheat. Those who see the negative effects see environmental degradation and increase of poverty.

This statue of Norman Borlaug stands in a Cresco, Iowa, park. It commemorates his efforts toward saving millions of people from starvation.

(Des Monies Register)